Published by Kinetic Bytes
WindowsDen the one-stop for Games Pc apps presents you Equality - The New Number Game by Kinetic Bytes -- Equality is a fun game in which you are presented with a certain initial value and a set of numbered tiles. Your goal is to flip these tiles to reach a random target value in the fewest moves possible. Each tile's value is a certain power of 3. The game is based on the fact that any positive or negative natural number can be created uniquely using one or more powers of 3. To include a tile in the calculation, flip it up or down to make it green (positive) or red (negative). To exclude a tile that is already included, flip it sideways to make it gray (neutral).. We hope you enjoyed learning about Equality - The New Number Game. Download it today for Free. It's only 4.23 MB. Follow our tutorials below to get Equality version 1.2 working on Windows 10 and 11.
Follow Tutorial below to use Equality APK on PC: