Published by Andreas Garzotto GmbH
WindowsDen the one-stop for Reference Pc apps presents you iGarten by Andreas Garzotto GmbH -- Identify garden plants and discover more about them. Find suitable flowers for your house and garden. Detailed information on more than 3080 plants (and more than 17000 images) are available to you - anytime, even without internet connection. You want to create a blue-white border for a garden in semi shade. iGarten prepares customized selections for your indvidual criteria. You can display this as list or as flowering calendar.. We hope you enjoyed learning about iGarten. Download it today for £20.99. It's only 2.70 GB. Follow our tutorials below to get iGarten version 8.52 working on Windows 10 and 11.
Follow Tutorial below to use iGarten APK on PC: