Capsll for pc

Download Capsll for PC

Published by Capsll Inc

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Based on 2 user votes.

Capsll Description

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1. The Capsll app gives you digital time capsules to tell your life stories, save your history, and pass on your legacy.

2. Sure you can share capslls on the public feed to inspire others, but most importantly you have the power to keep capslls completely private for yourself, or share each one with only the people you want to see that particular capsule.

3. Saving your life stories, memories, and insights are truly valuable to future humanity.

4. I would never have remembered that memory if we didn’t meet up. ” Well, Capsll works in the same way, and it’s a rewarding, often emotional experience, in the best way.

5. Create as many digital time capslls as you like, filling each one with stories that matter to you!

6. This is because the neuroscience of your brain accesses these memories when you engage in creating first person content in this way.

7. In fact, your stories on Capsll should not have to be perfect, they should just be real and authentic.

8. Imagine being able to learn from your grandfather as told by him, or hold your grandma’s amazing recipes, yum!

9. Your kids won’t only know this version of mom and dad, but they will learn how you became this amazing person!

10. Your story is more valuable than you may realize. successes, trials and even failures that you have had! Not one identical!

11. In fact, with Capsll YOU are the history maker!

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Capsll Inc

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↓ Get Apk Capsll Inc 2 5 1.9.2 4+

Disclaimer: is not directly affiliated with Capsll Inc, the developers of Capsll.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download Capsll for free?

Yes! You can Download Capsll from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use Capsll on PC?

It is easy to use the Capsll app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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