Mr. Grouch's Clean Sweep for pc

Download Mr. Grouch's Clean Sweep for PC

Published by Downsideup Games

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Mr. Grouch's Clean Sweep Description

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1. Grouch de-clutter in a hidden object game, help him match items in his house, repair broken paintings in sliding puzzle and more! Set in the world of Mr.

2. Grouch, Clean Sweep features four mini games that are designed to teach kids pattern recognition, word to object pairing, and early stage spatial awareness. Hidden Object Game - Mr. Grouch is decluttering!

3. Grouch has lost his glasses and needs a little help knowing what items he has and which ones to keep or throw out.

4. Help him find items he wants amongst all the clutter. Matching Game - Mr.

5. Join him in this collection of mini games that’s targeted at younger players, but ideal for adults as well. Help Mr.

6. Grouch’s dog, has been mischievous again and has broken several of Mr. Grouch’s paintings. How naughty! Help Mr.

7. Grouch re-assemble each painting in this ‘sliding block’-style puzzle game. Two-of-a-kind - Mr.

8. Grouch needs a little help.

9. Help him match up each item within the time limit.

10. Help him by matching the item to the word.

11. Grouch is sorting out his household items.

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Disclaimer: is not directly affiliated with Downsideup Games, the developers of Mr. Grouch's Clean Sweep.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download Mr Grouch s Clean Sweep for free?

Yes! You can Download Mr. Grouch's Clean Sweep from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use Mr Grouch s Clean Sweep on PC?

It is easy to use the Mr. Grouch's Clean Sweep app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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