Datamate Numeric Processor for pc

Download Datamate Numeric Processor for PC

Published by Procypher Software Co.

Datamate Numeric Processor Description

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1. To this end we we've included Next and Back buttons to guide you through the steps of processing your data, while at the same time allowing you to navigate through the application freely as other than importing data and selecting columns, you can apply the data processing rules in any order you want or not bother at all to configure rules you don't need as the preset default values will allow you to bypass any section of rules without configuring them or applying them.

2. But the real power of Datamate™ Numeric Processor comes from configuring and applying the data processing rules.

3. Plus you can import mixed data, in other words data with numeric and non-numeric/textual data, and process just the numeric values then remerge the non-numeric/unprocessed data with the processed data during the output phase.

4. Datamate™ Numeric Processor is a powerful and versatile data processor for all you number crunching needs!

5. Complete with descriptive statistics, robust reporting, and intricately configurable data output formatting.

6. You can simply import data that you want to run descriptive statics on and do no more or additionally just output the data into another format.

7. Normalize, standardize, scale, and manage missing data and data outliers quickly and accurately.

8. We built Datamate™ Numeric Processor to be versatile and intuitive to use.

9. You can also add column headers and append prefixes and suffixes to your processed data with just the click of a few buttons. *The Lite version only allows for processing 25 rows of data, all other features are fully functional.

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Disclaimer: is not directly affiliated with Procypher Software Co., the developers of Datamate Numeric Processor.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download Datamate Numeric Processor for free?

Yes! You can Download Datamate Numeric Processor from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use Datamate Numeric Processor on PC?

It is easy to use the Datamate Numeric Processor app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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