Chess Prime Pro for pc

Download Chess Prime Pro for PC

Published by Vinta Games

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Based on 3 user votes.

Chess Prime Pro Description

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1. If you are novice player you may take advantage of the feature that shows all legal moves for current piece. • Versatile openings: Chess Prime AI engine plays like a human, not as a computer that always chooses the same move at the same position.

2. Chess Prime supports both ‘one player’ and ‘two player’ game play, so you can play against your friends or against a challenging computer opponent.

3. You can even start your game from any position that allows you to test your skills in different game phases, common positions, solve chess puzzles, etc.

4. In many parts of the world (in schools) chess has been introduced as major part of the curriculum, because chess increases the mathematical and scientific skills of the students.

5. Chess has become so increasingly popular that there was a time when chess was considered "Royal Game", but is now a common source of entertainment for a common man.

6. It gives you opportunity to play different famous openings to gain extensive experience in chess.

7. Chess also increases the problem solving skills, a sense of confidence, a self-worth and the communication skills.

8. Chess Prime is one of the best designed chess games for the iPad / iPhone.

9. This feature is activated automatically in the game with high difficulty level. • UNDO function if you accidentally hit wrong piece or square.

10. Chess is one of the ancient games in the world.

11. It works even if your king is checkmated. • REDO function if you missed the opponent’s move.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download Chess Prime Pro for free?

Yes! You can Download Chess Prime Pro from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use Chess Prime Pro on PC?

It is easy to use the Chess Prime Pro app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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