MassGroupTextScheduler for pc

Download MassGroupTextScheduler for PC

Published by Rob Kudyba

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MassGroupTextScheduler Description

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1. Ability to create custom groups, e. g. , for your sports team participants/members if you are a coach, or if you are a band, and you tour, you can segment recipients into groups, e. g. , by region.

2. Same goes for club promoters who keep separate lists. ***Please note that you will still get an alert/prompt before the message can go out.

3. Apple restricts the ability to bypass the alert via the MFMessageComposeViewController class, see ' ' for an explanation.

4. Future alert prompt & scheduling of mass group SMS texting​ for the iPhone.

5. Never miss another opportunity to wish someone a happy anniversary, birthday, holiday, Christmas, New Years, et al.

6. Recurrence/repeat option allows you to choose hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.

7. The app would need to use a "SMS Gateway" which would not show your phone number as the sender.

8. Hence the app is ad-supported.

9. Upgrading the app keeps any saved data such as new pre-written messages and groups.

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Rob Kudyba

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Disclaimer: is not directly affiliated with Rob Kudyba, the developers of MassGroupTextScheduler.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download MassGroupTextScheduler for free?

Yes! You can Download MassGroupTextScheduler from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use MassGroupTextScheduler on PC?

It is easy to use the MassGroupTextScheduler app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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