Published by Nulana LTD
WindowsDen the one-stop for Productivity Pc apps presents you Launcher by Nulana LTD -- Launcher speeds up the way you work on your Mac. *** Application Launcher *** There are several ways to launch applications. You can simply start typing the application name in the search string and you’ll immediately get the list of apps displayed in alphabetical order. You can use abbreviations, for example, “qtp” for QuickTime Player, “ab” for the Address Book, “rml” for Remind Me Later. Finally you can manually assign a handy command to specific app to launch it. *** File Browser with QuickLook option *** The built-in File Browser provides a fast and easy way to navigate through your folders and files.. We hope you enjoyed learning about Launcher. Download it today for Free. It's only 2.14 MB. Follow our tutorials below to get Launcher version 2.0.1 working on Windows 10 and 11.
Follow Tutorial below to use Launcher APK on PC: