Magic Eye Stereogram Quiz for pc

Download Magic Eye Stereogram Quiz for PC

Published by Alexander Mokrushin

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Magic Eye Stereogram Quiz Description

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1. "Magic Eye Stereogram Quiz" is a quiz which invites you to test your ability “look into” 3D stereograms.

2. Stereograms are 3D images hidden within another picture.

3. In order to view the 3D images, simply stare at the picture until the image starts to take shape.

4. When you tap one of the answers, the default color of the pressed button is changed to green (when it was the right answer) or to red (wrong answer).

5. You need to answer what is hidden within current picture.

6. If you give it at the first attempt you will receive 3 points, at the second attempt - 2 points, at the third - 1 point.

7. Each stereogram question has 4 possible answers.

8. Game consists of 20 stereograms.

9. You have 3 attempts to give the right answer.

10. Please take into account – some people cannot see hidden stereogram images!

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Alexander Mokrushin

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Disclaimer: is not directly affiliated with Alexander Mokrushin, the developers of Magic Eye Stereogram Quiz.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download Magic Eye Stereogram Quiz for free?

Yes! You can Download Magic Eye Stereogram Quiz from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use Magic Eye Stereogram Quiz on PC?

It is easy to use the Magic Eye Stereogram Quiz app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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