Town of Salem - The Coven for pc

Download Town of Salem - The Coven for PC

Published by BlankMediaGames

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Based on 251 user votes.

Town of Salem - The Coven Description

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1. These players are randomly divided into alignments – Town, Mafia, Coven, Serial Killers, Arsonists and Neutrals.

2. If you are a Town member (the good guys) you must track down the Mafia and other villains. The catch?

3. You don’t know who is a Town member and who is a villain.

4. The game ranges from 7 to 15 players.

5. If you are an evil role, such as a Serial Killer, you secretly work against the town members in the veil of night and try to avoid getting caught.

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↓ Get Apk BlankMediaGames 251 3.39841 9+

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download Town of Salem for free?

Yes! You can Download Town of Salem - The Coven from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use Town of Salem on PC?

It is easy to use the Town of Salem - The Coven app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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