Shark Land: Survival Simulator for pc

Download Shark Land: Survival Simulator for PC


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Shark Land: Survival Simulator Description

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1. Survival on Raft simulator will give you this opportunity and throws you into an epic adventure out on the ocean, with the objective to stay alive, gather resources and build a floating home worthy of survival.

2. Traveling across the ocean, you can find many different types of resources, open new islands, but do not forget to fulfill the proposed tasks first. 2.

3. A whole island among the ocean on which you can build your house to forget about annoying sharks.

4. Remember, thirst and hunger is not the only danger in the ocean, watch out for the shark determined to end your adventure!

5. Craft System - build survival equipment, weapons, crop plots and more. 3.

6. The island has many mysteries, the solution of which will give you the opportunity to discover new islands that hide in thick fog.

7. However, do not forget that other dangerous predators may inhabit the island.

8. Build - expand your raft from a wreckage to a buoyant fortress. 4.

9. Shark - defend your buildings from the dangers of the ocean.

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↓ Get Apk VITALII DRIBNOKHOD 28 4 10.1.8 9+

Disclaimer: is not directly affiliated with VITALII DRIBNOKHOD, the developers of Shark Land: Survival Simulator.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download Shark Land for free?

Yes! You can Download Shark Land: Survival Simulator from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use Shark Land on PC?

It is easy to use the Shark Land: Survival Simulator app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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