GIF animation Maker - AniGif for pc

Download GIF animation Maker - AniGif for PC

Published by Idealump

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GIF animation Maker - AniGif Description

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1. Tap the check button in the bottom right after shooting is complete. Go to the edit screen. (*If you want to re-take a video, tap on the left x button to return to the camera screen.

2. Videos taken with smartphone get easily animated into GIF! •It is now possible to create a gif by selecting whether the angle of view of the square or the original movie. take video by tapping and pressing on the shooting button (round button under the screen) for as long as you want.

3. In the edit screen, the filter can be changed by swiping left and right directly at the video which is being viewed.

4. You can set to Reverse play by tapping on the reverse icon at the lower center of the screen.

5. You can go to the editing screen by clicking on "Choose" button.

6. If you want to adjust the length of the video you can do it by manipulating the bar next to the scissors icon.

7. If you want to change the play speed, you can do it by tapping at the numbers next to the clock icon.

8. Start the app and tap on the gallery icon at the bottom left of the screen.

9. Tap the "Aa" mark in the lower right of the screen when you want to place a text.

10. You can send or share your GIF animation by tapping "Share and Send! " button.

11. Pick up the video you want it to be GIF from inside your camera Roll.

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Disclaimer: is not directly affiliated with Idealump, the developers of GIF animation Maker - AniGif.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download GIF animation Maker for free?

Yes! You can Download GIF animation Maker - AniGif from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use GIF animation Maker on PC?

It is easy to use the GIF animation Maker - AniGif app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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