Published by Ron Elemans
WindowsDen the one-stop for News Pc apps presents you News Explorer by Ron Elemans -- News Explorer is a full-featured yet easy-to-use RSS, JSON, Atom and Twitter newsreader with iCloud based synchronisation between Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Apple TV. FULL ICLOUD SYNC • News Explorer syncs your RSS, JSON, Atom, Reddit and Twitter subscriptions, folder setup, news items, read statuses and favorites across all your Apple devices. • Synchronisation is based on iCloud, so there is no need to login or to sign up into any other service, it just works out of the box. • Built-in high speed RSS and Atom engine. • Supports Twitter user and hashtags timelines. • Enhanced support for YouTube feeds.. We hope you enjoyed learning about News Explorer. Download it today for £9.99. It's only 7.93 MB. Follow our tutorials below to get News Explorer version 2.0.2 working on Windows 10 and 11.
Follow Tutorial below to use News Explorer APK on PC: