Wei Wu Wei Ching Lite for pc

Download Wei Wu Wei Ching Lite for PC

Published by Brian Walker

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Wei Wu Wei Ching Lite Description

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1. The teachings of the Wei wu Wei Ching are sourced in Tao, Ch’an, Zen, Sufism, Native American spirituality, Tibetan Buddhism, Advaita, yoga, and other traditions less easily named.

2. Wei wu Wei Ching puts a collection of diamond cutting tools in the pocket of anyone who wants to realize enlightenment, the Self, Big Mind.

3. The text is configured as an oracular text, just like the I Ching, to facilitate concentration upon a particular teaching with respect to a specific question.

4. The emphasis on doing non-doing here stems from the universal understanding across the world’s spiritual cultures that attaining it is more often a matter of leaning back into it than of bearing down upon it.

5. By whatever name or not-name, this practice is the core teaching of every enlightenment tradition in the world.

6. Enlightenment is a real thing, the realest thing, the pearl beyond all other pearls.

7. It is possible to catalyze the transformation of ordinary understanding into Diamond Mind with them.

8. This lite version includes a consulting tool, a journaling tool, and the complete odd-numbered passages.

9. It centers primarily around wei wu wei, the ancient Taoist notion that translates roughly to “doing not-doing”.

10. While realization ultimately cannot be surrounded or captured with words, along the way they have power.

11. Full book content is available through an In-App Purchase.

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Brian Walker

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download Wei Wu Wei Ching Lite for free?

Yes! You can Download Wei Wu Wei Ching Lite from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use Wei Wu Wei Ching Lite on PC?

It is easy to use the Wei Wu Wei Ching Lite app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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