I Ching Lite for pc

Download I Ching Lite for PC

Published by Brian Walker

Users Recommendation:


Based on 188 user votes.

I Ching Lite Description

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1. Its lasting popularity lies in the profound lessons it teaches about how reliance on one's higher qualities leads to life's greatest rewards: well-being, understanding, and peace of mind.

2. When its wisdom is sought with sincerity and sensitivity, this ancient Chinese oracle will promote success and good fortune and impart balance and perspective to your life.

3. This lite version contains the I Ching consulting tool and complete odd-numbered passages.

4. Brian Browne Walker is the author of celebrated contemporary translations of the I Ching, Tao te Ching, Hua hu Ching, and Art of War which are published by Harper and St.

5. For years the #1 I Ching app in the world, and perhaps the most elegant, distilled version of the I Ching there is.

6. For centuries, the Book of Changes has been consulted for sage advice at life's turning points.

7. Now available as an elegantly designed and easy to use iOS app, it is both highly accessible to new users and a revelation to those long familiar with the text.

8. Additional content and emailing feature is available through an In App Purchase.

9. Martin's Press and translated into over a dozen languages around the world.

10. Throw your own coins, or let the app cast for you, and make the wisdom of the sages your own.

11. His "I Ching, or Book of Changes", long beloved for its clarity and accessibility, has received five star reviews on Amazon consistently for over a decade.

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Brian Walker

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Windowsden.uk is not directly affiliated with Brian Walker, the developers of I Ching Lite.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download I Ching Lite for free?

Yes! You can Download I Ching Lite from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use I Ching Lite on PC?

It is easy to use the I Ching Lite app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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