Piano eTutor Pro: learn piano for pc

Download Piano eTutor Pro: learn piano for PC

Published by TRAN PHUONG

Piano eTutor Pro: learn piano Description

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1. Compared to other traditional self-study methods (book, website, YouTube channel,... ), the app provides you with two important features that other methods don't have, which are INTERACTION and MUSICAL TOOLS. - Once connected to a digital piano, the app can respond to what you play on the piano: it checks whether the notes you're playing are correct or not, in terms of pitch and timing, then shows you the next notes to play.

2. Practice playing the exercise at the right speed. * For those who already know how to play the piano, the app is still helpful in that it helps you improve reading and playing music notes (sight reading) skill.

3. In this way, you can learn to play note by note, one hand at a time, then combine two hands to play the whole song at the right speed. - Playback tool: You can listen to an exercise before practice, to analyze the structure, rhythm, note positions, ... - Tempo-adjustment tool: You can adjust the tempo (speed) of the exercise to the value that you feel comfortable with.

4. In addition, it also helps you play in the correct timing, which is an extremely important skill in music. - Transposition tool: You can transpose an exercise to any key (tone) you like, so that you can practice a certain skill in different finger positions. - Part-selection tool: In an exercise, there can be easy parts as well as difficult ones.

5. Have you ever tried to teach yourself piano with a self-study method (learn from a book, a website or a YouTube channel,... ), but without success, because you find it difficult to understand music theory, and you have no idea whether the way you're playing a piece of music is correct or not, as no piano tutor is there to help you?

6. You can just select the parts that you think you need to work on to start practicing. - Note-hint tool: If you find it difficult to identify the position of a note, or the note positions of a chord, you can choose to show hints when practicing, then the app will show you where the notes are located on the keyboard. 2.

7. This helps you start practicing at a slow speed, then gradually increase the playing speed. - Metronome tool: This tool helps you understand and develop the sense of beats, the rhythmic aspect of music.

8. Learn playing the exercise note by note, one hand at a time, until you can play the whole exercise. 4.

9. Listen to the exercise and observe the keyboard, to see where the notes are pressed on the piano. 3.

10. Just practice using the app frequently and you'll be able to read music notes faster in a short period of time. * More exercises will be added frequently.

11. The app is specially designed to work with a digital piano, thanks to the ability to connect and interact between a mobile device and the piano (via MIDI cable or Bluetooth).

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Windowsden.uk is not directly affiliated with TRAN PHUONG, the developers of Piano eTutor Pro: learn piano.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download Piano eTutor Pro for free?

Yes! You can Download Piano eTutor Pro: learn piano from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use Piano eTutor Pro on PC?

It is easy to use the Piano eTutor Pro: learn piano app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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