iDeas for Writing for pc

Download iDeas for Writing for PC

Published by SCVisuais

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iDeas for Writing Description

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1. A complete writing workshop with a lot of exercises organized by category and difficulty, for you to improve your writing and get the most of the creative triggers in the app. 1. Start writing right now. 2. Build your characters. 3.

2. Thanks to "iDeas for Writing", you will always carry with you a whole writing workshop with creative triggers and exercises to get your imagination flowing.

3. You will have a smart notebook for writing within the app, developing the workshop exercises, taking notes and having your ideas always with you.

4. A generator of five random words for you to get inspired before your daily writing and to use as a start point in some exercises of the app.

5. If you like writing, you don't have to worry about the creative blocks or the fear of the blank page anymore.

6. In "iDeas for Writing" you will also find a little section with tips and advices to help and motivate you in your day by day writing.

7. A creative trigger with an infinite number of characters for you to find and model the protagonists of your narrations.

8. Master the writing techniques. 4. Make them speak. 5. Give the atmosphere. 6. You are in a hurry.

9. A creative trigger with thousand of great suggestions to give your stories a starting point.

10. A generator of surprising and inspiring titles to put the finishing touch to your novels, screenplays, tales...

11. You can mark your favorite exercises or those that you have already done to get better organization.

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↓ Get Apk SCVisuais 13 4.53846 3.0.1 17+

Disclaimer: is not directly affiliated with SCVisuais, the developers of iDeas for Writing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download iDeas for free?

Yes! You can Download iDeas for Writing from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use iDeas on PC?

It is easy to use the iDeas for Writing app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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