mRay for pc

Download mRay for PC

Published by mbits imaging GmbH

mRay Description

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1. When using mRay for diagnostic purposes, national regulations must be considered and an appropriate display must be used. mRay allows the display of images and data types that are defined by the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standard (e. g. computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), fluoroscopy (XA), digital x-ray (CR), ultrasound (US)).

2. Contact us on how to access your image data with mRay. - Viewer for radiological images (CT, MR, PR etc. - Communication through messaging, audio messages or VoIP.

3. Do you want to view your patients’ image data anywhere and at anytime? mRay enables physicians to access images at home while on background duty or on the go.

4. The patient group, for which mRay can be used, includes all patients from whom radiological image data has been created for the purpose of diagnosis or treatment.

5. We developed mRay to combine the power and mobility of modern mobile devices to access your radiological images anywhere and anytime.

6. The software mRay as a radiology instrument can be used by medical specialists for the visualization of image data.

7. Most notably, mRay implements well-established security measures to protect your image data and privacy.

8. Image data is encrypted and stored temporally locally on the device, removing the need of a permanent Internet or Wi-Fi connection while ensuring highest security standards.

9. The integrated Instant Messenger offers a secure communication platform to share DICOM images as well as key images, audio and text messages. E. g. now you can easily share the current state of your viewer with another colleague to get a secondary opinion.

10. The software is dedicated for mobile devices for fast and immediate access to radiologic images for informational purposes.

11. How about you take your patients’ image data with you on your mobile device wherever you go?

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mbits imaging GmbH

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Disclaimer: is not directly affiliated with mbits imaging GmbH, the developers of mRay.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download mRay for free?

Yes! You can Download mRay from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use mRay on PC?

It is easy to use the mRay app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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