FahrPlaner for pc

Download FahrPlaner for PC

Published by HaCon Ingenieurges. mbH

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Based on 10 user votes.

FahrPlaner Description

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1. Mobile tickets are available for all services within the Bremen/Northern Saxony transport association (VBN) and regional trains within the Niedersachsentarif (Lower Saxony). • Route planning not only with public transport but also with bikesharing from Nextbike, carsharing from cambio and taxi offers from TaxiDeutschland – so you always reach your destination! • Real-time flight departure and arrival information from Bremen Airport.

2. The integration of the flight data was realized in the project Green Sustainable Airports (GSA) in the context of the Interreg IV B North Sea Region Programme, supported by the European Union – The European Regional Development Fund.

3. The access to the camera is needed to personalize icons with own photos used for “My addresses” as well as to be able to add own photos to send via feedback form in the app.

4. The app can access your contacts so that you will be able to select an address as starting point or destination for the connection search function.

5. Should you decide to subscribe to the push service an anonymous device ID will be stored on our server in order to allow us to send you the requested information.

6. FahrPlaner combines timetable information and mobile ticket sales in one app.

7. The app was funded by Landesnahverkehrsgesellschaft Niedersachsen GmbH (LNVG) and Zweckverband Verkehrsverbund Bremen/Niedersachsen (ZVBN).

8. You can change this access right at any time via the settings.

9. Based on your location the app can show you possible stations and connections in your vicinity.

10. These access rights will not be used for any other purpose.

11. You can change your consent anytime via app or system settings.

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HaCon Ingenieurges. mbH

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↓ Get Apk HaCon Ingenieurges. mbH 10 3.4 6.3.0 4+


Windowsden.uk is not directly affiliated with HaCon Ingenieurges. mbH, the developers of FahrPlaner.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download FahrPlaner for free?

Yes! You can Download FahrPlaner from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use FahrPlaner on PC?

It is easy to use the FahrPlaner app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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