Dynasty Legends 2 for pc

Download Dynasty Legends 2 for PC

Published by Taihe Interactive

Users Recommendation:


Based on 587 user votes.

Dynasty Legends 2 Description

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1. In addition to exciting gameplays, we managed tons of real-time rendering CGs which are more than 20 hours to make sure that you're not only a player, but also a part of the Epic Three Kingdoms.

2. Thrilling battle experience allows you wipe out thousands of enemies all by yourself, become the overlord of the Three Kingdoms.

3. Ultra-high quality 3D models and special effects bring you stunning visual experience that you never had before!

4. DYNASTY LEGENDS 2 is a complete evolution of Hack & Slash ARPG game.

5. Stunning graphics, bring you back to chaotic ancient battlefields.

6. Rebuild a broad ancient battlefield which accommodate hundreds of soldiers on the same screen.

7. This will be the most exciting game you've ever played. One vs thousands! You're unstoppable!

8. Every hero has been adjusted to make sure that you can have a fair fight.

9. You can slaughter thousands of enemies in a single stage.

10. Join the battle with your friends now and build up your empire!

11. Designed with Next-Gen technology, it will give you the best experience on your phone!

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Taihe Interactive

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Download Developer Rating Score Current version Adult Ranking
↓ Get Apk Taihe Interactive 587 4.61158 1.15.000 12+


Windowsden.uk is not directly affiliated with Taihe Interactive, the developers of Dynasty Legends 2.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download Dynasty Legends 2 for free?

Yes! You can Download Dynasty Legends 2 from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use Dynasty Legends 2 on PC?

It is easy to use the Dynasty Legends 2 app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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