Calorie Counting & Tracker App for pc

Download Calorie Counting & Tracker App for PC

Published by Tonti Laguna

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Calorie Counting & Tracker App Description

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1. FoodTracker helps you keep track of the calories you eat to meet your weight goal and live a healthier life.

2. This feature helps you balance your daily calorie intake and reach your goals of weight loss or weight gain.

3. All you need to do is enter basic information like your height and weight to get a suggestion of your optimal daily calorie allowance.

4. Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain weight, or maintain a healthy diet, this app has you covered.

5. Simply scan the barcode of the products you eat or enter it manually to get the full list of nutrition facts and an indication of the food's healthiness from our nutrition database.

6. This app will track your caloric consumption with each meal and snack logged.

7. You can also track fitness activities like workouts or walking.

8. You can unlock personal achievements by exercising consistently and tracking your calories.

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Tonti Laguna

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↓ Get Apk Tonti Laguna 102 4.2451 3.5.3 4+

Disclaimer: is not directly affiliated with Tonti Laguna, the developers of Calorie Counting & Tracker App.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download Calorie Counting Tracker App for free?

Yes! You can Download Calorie Counting & Tracker App from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use Calorie Counting Tracker App on PC?

It is easy to use the Calorie Counting & Tracker App app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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