Published by Thomas G Hogrefe
WindowsDen the one-stop for Games Pc apps presents you Fly-by-Wire by Thomas G Hogrefe -- The Yoke setting features all the commands you could need to safely fly your plane from a separate device. These include: - Accelerometer-based pitch and roll - Throttle control (with reverse thrust) - Flaps - Spoilers - Trim - Autopilot Panel - ATC Panel - Engine Start/Stop - Lights - Short-press to cycle camera and long-press to cycle the HUD - Camera movement - On-screen rudder - Gear - Brakes - Automatic autopilot activation in case of a disconnect - Haptic feedback (for pressing buttons and hard landings) The Joystick setting is more simplistic, but it allows for an unprecedented variety of flight; devoting one hand to the flight controls and leaving the other free to tend to on-screen actions. - Accelerometer-based pitch, roll, and yaw - Brakes - Short-press to cycle camera and long-press to cycle the HUD - Camera movement - Automatic autopilot activation in case of a disconnect Fly-by-Wire utilizes Infinite Flight's Connect API to connect via a local WiFi network. Turn both devices on and connect them to the same network. Start your apps and wait for a connection to be established. Take off and have fun.. We hope you enjoyed learning about Fly-by-Wire. Download it today for £4.99. It's only 7.70 MB. Follow our tutorials below to get Fly version 2.0 working on Windows 10 and 11.
Follow Tutorial below to use Fly-by-Wire APK on PC: