Be Prime Minister! for pc

Download Be Prime Minister! for PC

Published by Intesa Sanpaolo SPA

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Be Prime Minister! Description

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1. But at the same time the debt will also grow, causing long term effects, as you will have to pay interest until the debt is paid off.

2. Investments have an impact both on the short and the mid-long term because they provide the infrastructural basis for future growth.

3. You have inherited a debt equal to 100% of the total output of the island (the Gross Domestic Product – GDP).

4. Being the Prime Minister, you will have to make some important choices in order to ensure a bright and sustainable future for your people.

5. Your goal is to reduce the debt-to-GDP ratio ensuring a bright future for the island.

6. Consider the short and mid-long term effects while choosing what to do.

7. Ameise is located in the middle of the ocean, it offers its inhabitants a peaceful spot to live in.

8. Hence the effects will still be felt in 10/20 years’ time.

9. If you decide to increase the current expenditure, an immediate increase in GDP will occur.

10. At the same time the local government tries to keep up with the times.

11. Now you can start and decide how to manage both expenditures and internal revenues.

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Intesa Sanpaolo SPA

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download Be Prime Minister for free?

Yes! You can Download Be Prime Minister! from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use Be Prime Minister on PC?

It is easy to use the Be Prime Minister! app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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