Imam Hussain and Jang Karbala for pc

Download Imam Hussain and Jang Karbala for PC

Published by jabir Ali

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Based on 4 user votes.

Imam Hussain and Jang Karbala Description

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1. Any body wants to learn Arabic can use it to learn basics of Arabic words. It is easy to use. just scroll the pages and click and Listen. * Sounds feature are also available for pronunciation(Tajweed).

2. Noorani Qaida is very first book to understand how to read holy Quran from beginning.

3. Noorani Qaida is commonly used in South Asian countries in URDU schools.

4. It is for persons who know URDU language.

5. A better gift for your Muslim kids on their mobile.

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jabir Ali

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↓ Get Apk jabir Ali 4 4 5.6 4+

Disclaimer: is not directly affiliated with jabir Ali, the developers of Imam Hussain and Jang Karbala.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download Imam Hussain and Jang Karbala for free?

Yes! You can Download Imam Hussain and Jang Karbala from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use Imam Hussain and Jang Karbala on PC?

It is easy to use the Imam Hussain and Jang Karbala app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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