Safari Hunting 4x4 for pc

Download Safari Hunting 4x4 for PC

Published by OppanaGames FZC LLC

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Safari Hunting 4x4 Description

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1. Grab your hunting rifle, jump into the off-road car and get on your way to Safari to hunt various animals: rhinoceroses, lions, buffalos, zebras and many other animals indigenous to Africa. - Hunting animals.

2. Safari Hunting 3D simulator is an unforgettable adventure for real guys on the African continent, where you will meet face to face the four-footed owners of these places and hunt them.

3. Use the money earned to buy new cars that would allow you to get to inaccessible places full of animals.

4. Best hunting simulator SAFARI 3D. 1.

5. If you are a hunter - get your gear and go hunting right now in the luxury offroader.

6. Be careful, wild animals are dangerous and can attack people. 3.

7. Having shot the prey, do not forget to load it into your trunk.

8. The larger the prey, the more money it will bring you. 6.

9. Do not approach your prey too close - you will frighten the animal away. 4.

10. In your garage, a 4x4 off-road is waiting for you.

11. This way your purse will be replenished. 5.

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OppanaGames FZC LLC

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download for free?

Yes! You can Download Safari Hunting 4x4 from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use on PC?

It is easy to use the Safari Hunting 4x4 app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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