Inkpad Notepad - Notes - To do for pc

Download Inkpad Notepad - Notes - To do for PC

Published by Workpail, LLC

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Inkpad Notepad - Notes - To do Description

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1. If you don’t want a note any longer, you can delete it in several ways: 1) Open the note, tap the “delete” button at the bottom of the page. 2) From the main notes screen, swipe-left the title of a note, then tap on “delete”.

2. Press the "X" button to clear the note search, and view all notes as usual.

3. InkPad Notepad is the simple, elegant, easy way to keep notes on your phone, or on the web.

4. Inkpad Notepad now gives you an option to search your notes or to do lists.

5. Inkpad Notepad let's you access your notes online on our website.

6. Create a note as usual, then select the "to do list" button at the top of the note screen.

7. Create a note as usual, then select the "shopping list" button at the top of the note.

8. Inkpad Notepad lets you sync/backup notes online.

9. To change a notes title, tap on the title area at the top of that note.

10. When you open InkPad, you’ll see a list of all notes you’ve created.

11. Just like a paper notepad, you don’t have to do anything special to save your notes, they are auto-saved for you.

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Workpail, LLC

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download Inkpad Notepad for free?

Yes! You can Download Inkpad Notepad - Notes - To do from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use Inkpad Notepad on PC?

It is easy to use the Inkpad Notepad - Notes - To do app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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