StepUp Pedometer Step Counter for pc

Download StepUp Pedometer Step Counter for PC

Published by Pratik Stephen

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StepUp Pedometer Step Counter Description

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1. StepUp makes step tracking fun and social - count steps, compete with friends, and be more active together! - Automatically track steps, distance covered, floors climbed and calories burnt every day. - Stay motivated with some healthy competition with family, friends & colleagues. - See who's in the lead, cheer (or taunt) each other and compete in real-time! - Connect and compete with friends, family and colleagues on any smartphone or supported wearable. - Great for social step challenges and group walking competitions at home, school, or work. - Set goals. Walk more. Burn calories. Lose weight. Feel great! - See daily & weekly achievements.

2. Create streaks and set records. - StepUp uses the built-in sensor to count steps with no impact on battery. - Sync steps from wearables like Apple Watch, Garmin, Withings, Misfit, Pebble, MoveSpring, Stridekick, Google Fit, Samsung Health etc that work with Apple Health. - Works with your phone without any additional devices or setup needed. - Just put your phone in your pocket, hand or bag and start stepping up. - Track your steps, compete with friends, and be more active together!

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Pratik Stephen

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↓ Get Apk Pratik Stephen 1644 4.73418 3.0.6 4+

Disclaimer: is not directly affiliated with Pratik Stephen, the developers of StepUp Pedometer Step Counter.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download StepUp Pedometer Step Counter for free?

Yes! You can Download StepUp Pedometer Step Counter from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use StepUp Pedometer Step Counter on PC?

It is easy to use the StepUp Pedometer Step Counter app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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