Published by Fausto Ristagno
WindowsDen the one-stop for Social Networking Pc apps presents you Timeline - A widget to bring Twitter on your Notification Center by Fausto Ristagno -- Timeline brings Twitter on your Notification Center. See tweets of your timeline wherever and whenever you want. FEATURES Customizable: Choose how many tweets you want to show. Quick: Click on a tweet to open it, if the tweet contains a link you'll be taken directly to it. Shortcuts: Click the Blue Bird to send a tweet (via browser). Safe: Your password isn't stored on your Mac.. We hope you enjoyed learning about Timeline - A widget to bring Twitter on your Notification Center. Download it today for £0.99. It's only 830.60 kB. Follow our tutorials below to get Timeline version 1.0 working on Windows 10 and 11.
Follow Tutorial below to use Timeline APK on PC: