VOA慢速英语短篇精华合集听力口语高清版HD for pc

Download VOA慢速英语短篇精华合集听力口语高清版HD for PC

Published by Yiyi Shen

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Based on 12 user votes.

VOA慢速英语短篇精华合集听力口语高清版HD Description

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1. VOA慢速英语以其常见易用词汇、简短明了的句子、标准清晰的发音, 而被奉为听力训练入门的不二选择。本APP汇集了慢速英语2012年300多篇短篇精华音频,包括农业、经济、词汇掌故、科技等共七大类,有详细的中文字幕,并配以强大的播放器,单词即按即查(联想记忆、常用词组、同义词辨析等),课文内容轻松点读、口语跟读练习、支持后台播放、多种播放学习模式!

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Yiyi Shen

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↓ Get Apk Yiyi Shen 12 4.91667 10.13 4+


Windowsden.uk is not directly affiliated with Yiyi Shen, the developers of VOA慢速英语短篇精华合集听力口语高清版HD.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download VOA慢速英语短篇精华合集听力口语高清版HD for free?

Yes! You can Download VOA慢速英语短篇精华合集听力口语高清版HD from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use VOA慢速英语短篇精华合集听力口语高清版HD on PC?

It is easy to use the VOA慢速英语短篇精华合集听力口语高清版HD app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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