Published by Alexander Blach
WindowsDen the one-stop for Developer Tools Pc apps presents you Textastic by Alexander Blach -- Textastic is a powerful and fast text, code, and markup editor. • Syntax highlighting of more than 80 programming and markup languages • Supported file types include HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML, Markdown, Objective-C, Swift, C++, PHP, Perl, Python, SQL, shell scripts and many more • Compatible with TextMate and Sublime Text 3 syntax definitions and themes • Code completion for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, C, and Objective-C • Open files in tabs • Open folders in a sidebar • Find in files • Print files • Symbol list to quickly navigate in a file • Emmet support built-in • Auto Save and Versions • iCloud document sync • Full support for Dark Mode Please note: You can use Textastic for iPad and iPhone to sync files between the Mac and iOS versions of Textastic using iCloud. .. We hope you enjoyed learning about Textastic. Download it today for £7.99. It's only 4.58 MB. Follow our tutorials below to get Textastic version 6.0.1 working on Windows 10 and 11.
Follow Tutorial below to use Textastic APK on PC: