Published by David Blishen
WindowsDen the one-stop for Developer Tools Pc apps presents you JSON Helper for AppleScript by David Blishen -- JSON Helper is an agent which allows you to do useful things with JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) directly from AppleScript. JSON Helper has no interface, and runs in the background waiting for AppleScripts to ask it to do something. JSON Helper is by far the easiest way to work with JSON in AppleScript. JSON Helper lets you convert JSON directly into AppleScript records, lists and strings, and convert AppleScript records, lists and strings into JSON. JSON Helper also makes it easy to parse the responses of many popular web services directly into AppleScript with convenience methods for fetching and parsing the responses from URLs. See our web page for more information and a set of useful examples.. We hope you enjoyed learning about JSON Helper for AppleScript. Download it today for Free. It's only 2.49 MB. Follow our tutorials below to get JSON Hel version 1.20 working on Windows 10 and 11.
Follow Tutorial below to use JSON Helper APK on PC: