Published by Magzter Inc.
WindowsDen the one-stop for News Pc apps presents you Magzter: Magazines, Newspapers by Magzter Inc. -- Looking for the most popular magazines and newspapers from around the world. They’re all on Magzter, the world’s largest and most-loved digital newsstand. * Get 7-Day FREE unlimited access to 7,500+ leading magazines and newspapers including Cosmopolitan, Newsweek, ELLE, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, Maxim, Men’s Health, Entrepreneur, Popular Mechanics, T3, India Today, The Guardian, Daily Mirror, The Independent and The Times of India * Voted the #1 digital reading destination by readers and top publishers from all over the world At Magzter, we're changing the way you read magazines and newspapers. From automotive, business, cooking, entertainment and fashion to lifestyle, news, sports, technology and travel, enjoy reading all your favorite magazines and newspapers across 40+ exciting categories on the Magzter app. Why you'll love Magzter. 1.. We hope you enjoyed learning about Magzter: Magazines, Newspapers. Download it today for Free. It's only 98.96 MB. Follow our tutorials below to get Magzter version 8.51.10 working on Windows 10 and 11.
SN. | App | Download | Developer |
1. | Newspapers | Download ↲ | Markus Ertner |
2. | Explorer Magazin | Download ↲ | Explorer Magazin |
3. |
NOOK – Books, Magazines, Newspapers, Comics |
Download ↲ | Barnes & Noble |
4. | PHOENIX CONTACT Magazines | Download ↲ | PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH and Co. KG |
5. | Bridge Magazines | Download ↲ | Bridge Publishing House SE |
Alternatively, download Magzter APK for PC (Emulator) below:
Download | Developer | Rating | Reviews |
Magzter: Magazines, Newspapers Download Apk for PC ↲ |
Magzter Inc. | 4.2 | 993 |
Magzter: Magazines, Newspapers GET ↲ |
Magzter Inc. | 4.2 | 993 |
Magzter Library
GET ↲ |
Magzter Inc. | 4 | 24 |
Readly Magazines & Newspapers GET ↲ |
Readly International | 4.2 | 505 |
PressReader: News & Magazines GET ↲ |
PressReader Inc. | 4.3 | 748 |
Flipboard:Your Social Magazine GET ↲ |
3.5 | 135,517 | |
Google News - Daily Headlines GET ↲ |
Google LLC | 4.1 | 56,535 |
Follow Tutorial below to use Magzter APK on PC: