Published by Michael Eskin
WindowsDen the one-stop for Music Pc apps presents you Uilleann - Pocket Irish Pipes by Michael Eskin -- Uilleann is an authentic sounding 3/4 set of Uilleann pipes (Irish Bagpipes) chanter, drones, and two regulators in the form of a standard two octave piano keyboard and also supports hardware MIDI bagpipes chanters connect to a hardware MIDI interface. The app can also be used as a CoreMIDI sound module for MIDI file player apps. The app plays the four most common keys for the instrument of D, C#, C, and B. Touch the drone puck image to switch the drones on and off. Touch the keys to play the chanter notes. Touching in the upper half of the key plays the note at standard pitch.. We hope you enjoyed learning about Uilleann - Pocket Irish Pipes. Download it today for £2.99. It's only 77.64 MB. Follow our tutorials below to get Uilleann version 3.6 working on Windows 10 and 11.
Follow Tutorial below to use Uilleann APK on PC: