Rep Buddy for pc

Download Rep Buddy for PC

Published by Hendricus Morren

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Rep Buddy Description

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1. Rep Buddy helps you as an Avon Rep to keep track of your catalogues, customers, orders and deliveries on your iPhone or iPad.

2. As you build your business you would like to distribute catalogues and collect orders to potential or existing customers on a regular basis.

3. As soon you have set up your rounds and assigned your customers (swipe to add or remove) your weekly To Do list will be scheduled automatically.

4. Swipe the row to mark a catalogue as dropped or collected as you work through your list each week, and the rota will be updated automatically as you have set it up.

5. To assist you in organising your weekly catalogue activities you are encouraged to set up distribution rounds.

6. You can organise rounds to cover a particular week set its rota to 3, 4, 6 or 8 weeks.

7. To be successful as a distributor you need to have a good system in place.

8. NOTE: When you first start the Rep Buddy app you need to either start the free 14-day Trial capped at 10 customers or upgrade to the full app with a one-time purchase via the Activation screen.

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Hendricus Morren

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↓ Get Apk Hendricus Morren 3 4.33333 1.2 4+

Disclaimer: is not directly affiliated with Hendricus Morren, the developers of Rep Buddy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download Rep Buddy for free?

Yes! You can Download Rep Buddy from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use Rep Buddy on PC?

It is easy to use the Rep Buddy app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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