Published by Blind Island LLC
WindowsDen the one-stop for Productivity Pc apps presents you Pause - A Simple Reminder App by Blind Island LLC -- In the hectic pace of today’s world, Pause is a simple reminder app designed to help you create moments of rest, relaxation, rejuvenation, gratitude, meditation, or just old-fashioned deep breathing in your busy day. With a clean, modern design and simplistic interface, Pause is an easy way to build, develop, establish, and incorporate habits and activities into your day that support a balanced life. For example, Pause can be used to: - help boost productivity by setting reminders for specific tasks, goals, or projects; - help incorporate wellness breaks into your day – for meditation, for physical activity, for gratitude; or - as a reminder to refocus your attention to help manage stress and anxious or negative thoughts. Pause is simple to use, and there are no limits to how many reminders you set for yourself in a day. Not quite ready to pause when you get your notification. You can start a pause whenever you want with a quick tap from the overview screen.. We hope you enjoyed learning about Pause - A Simple Reminder App. Download it today for £0.99. It's only 14.46 MB. Follow our tutorials below to get Pause version 1.0.3 working on Windows 10 and 11.
Follow Tutorial below to use Pause APK on PC: