Euclidea: Sketches for pc

Download Euclidea: Sketches for PC


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Euclidea: Sketches Description

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1. Other tools are: Point, Segment, Ray, Straight Line, Circle, Polygon Templates (Regular Polygon, Equilateral Triangle, Isosceles Triangle, Right Triangle, Square, Rhombus, Rectangle, Parallelogram, Trapezoid, Isosceles Trapezoid, Right Trapezoid), Midpoint, Perpendicular Bisector, Angle Bisector, Perpendicular, Parallel, Copy Segment, Copy Angle, Circle by 3 Points, Triangle Center Collection (Incenter, Centroid, Circumcenter, Orthocenter), Tangent, Intersection. - Drag a circle or other object directly to the desired point until it snaps. - The Segment tool can be used to extend segments. - It is easier to use the Perpendicular tool selecting a line first. - Decorations are used to mark a perpendicular, equal angles or segments. - You cannot create a wrong decoration.

2. Euclidea: Sketches is an interactive geometry app intended for creating and exploring geometrical constructions.

3. The Move and Eraser tools are available in any mode.

4. You start with an empty board and create your sketch with just a few taps.

5. Since you do not need to count moves anymore, the same constructions can be reproduced faster.

6. It is a great companion for the classic Euclidea Puzzles app.

7. There are 4 modes: Constructing, Decorating, Coloring, and Labeling.

8. The tools were revised and significantly improved.

9. The app is much more than a sandbox for Euclidea.

10. For example it is impossible to mark segments as equal if their length is actually different. - Choose color and style, then tap a point, a circle, or a segment. - You can create segments and points in the Coloring mode. - The default color is the rightmost in the palette. - To hide/restore a label, choose "-" in the letter wheel and then tap a point on the drawing. - The whole drawing can be rotated using two fingers when the Move tool is active. - Tap a line or a circle to see their base points that can be dragged.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download Euclidea for free?

Yes! You can Download Euclidea: Sketches from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use Euclidea on PC?

It is easy to use the Euclidea: Sketches app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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