Published by Studio Pango
WindowsDen the one-stop for Book Pc apps presents you Pango Comics by Studio Pango -- Dive into the MAGIC of reading PANGO COMICS helps children from 3 years old read stories "all by themselves". FOLLOW the story without speech bubbles or text, and LAUGH at gentle and funny twists. Big square boxes, clean and simple layouts, and a fluid narration to get familiar with the MAGIC of reading. Through delicious adventures, Pango stimulates your IMAGINATION. 48 easy stories to discover for FUN . "Have some time to share.. We hope you enjoyed learning about Pango Comics. Download it today for £2.99. It's only 20.76 MB. Follow our tutorials below to get Pango Comics version 1.0 working on Windows 10 and 11.
Follow Tutorial below to use Pango Comics APK on PC: