Qibla Finder Pro اتجاه القبلة for pc

Download Qibla Finder Pro اتجاه القبلة for PC

Published by Hakan Cakiroglu

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Based on 105 user votes.

Qibla Finder Pro اتجاه القبلة Description

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1. Qibla Finder application will help you to find the Kaaba direction quick and accurately whereever you are in the world.

2. Note : To find Qibla direction accurately, you need to give appropriate permissions to the application as the application asks at first use.

3. If you change your location for a vacation or for a business trip, you can easily find Qibla with our application.

4. To find Qibla direction, we use GPS and Compass in your device.

5. When the arrow becomes green, your device's top side will be pointing Qibla.

6. These values are then used in trigonmetric calculations to find the direction of Kaaba accurately.

7. Our application fist determines your position and direction.

8. Make your device parallel to the ground and turn your device until arrow becomes green.

9. To avoid wrong results and to get most accurate results, please be sure not to use your phone near metalic or magnetic objects during measurement.

10. And also application needs active Internet connection.

11. Please let us know if you have any question, suggestion or bug to report from apple@hakancakiroglu.

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Hakan Cakiroglu

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↓ Get Apk Hakan Cakiroglu 105 4.90475 1.4.0 4+


Windowsden.uk is not directly affiliated with Hakan Cakiroglu, the developers of Qibla Finder Pro اتجاه القبلة.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download Qibla Finder Pro اتجاه القبلة for free?

Yes! You can Download Qibla Finder Pro اتجاه القبلة from official sites for free using our site.

Can I use Qibla Finder Pro اتجاه القبلة on PC?

It is easy to use the Qibla Finder Pro اتجاه القبلة app on PC and it works on Windows and MAC. A free tutorial is available to help you get started.

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