Published by InfoTalk LLC
WindowsDen the one-stop for Utilities Pc apps presents you Group Hcp Viewer by InfoTalk LLC -- Group Handicap Viewer. This is a companion app for Golf Handicap Tracker - Group & League. Your group administrators will notify/email you when new scores published, and a detail instruction along with a group token will be included in the email. Please see Settings - FAQ for how to use the group token to access your group handicap. However, this app is designed for viewing only, you can't post or change group scores with this app. .. We hope you enjoyed learning about Group Hcp Viewer. Download it today for Free. It's only 4.14 MB. Follow our tutorials below to get Group Hcp Viewer version 2.6 working on Windows 10 and 11.
Follow Tutorial below to use Group Hcp Viewer APK on PC: